A newish thing.
It is over four months ago that I crossed this battle line, casually sauntering across an unmarked and unremarked 'no man's land' and not realising at the time that there was even a war taking place, let alone one that, without hyperbole, is more devastating than all of those depicted in the Star Wars Prequels combined... at least to me.
She crossed those lines with me, before returning promptly to our original position... except is was no longer 'our' position... she went with someone else in tow. I don't blame her frankly (#1).
On one 'front' the army is made up of lone, autonomous units... possibly bitter, and like as not, more hormonal and moody through lack of sexual release. On the other: families, networks and groups, backed by all governments, religions, culture, tradition and artworks ever....and I mean EVER (But most likely, still fairly hormonal through lack of sex)
Yep. On one side is the 'Couple'... the fundamental basis of the 'Traditional Family unit'. I am now on the other side. I am one of those 'single' types... (Don't worry, bitterness and sexual drought are not the focus of this ahem... 'discussion')
...and now, particularly with the 'run up to Christmas advertising binge' hammering the point with all the subtlety of George Lucas's Romantic dialogue, I realise that all culture everywhere really really hates single people. I mean it. Utterly. Hates us.
Now, I've been single before, obviously, to paraphrase that over-rated platitude fountain, Lady Gaga, we were 'Born that way'. Back then I didn't notice. I'd never known anything else, never been in a long relationship, never stepped onto that most exulted treadmill to 'House, kids, useful and productive member of economy'...
Previously I'd never had society Smile at me with motherly indulgence. I was permanently below the line of sight... at best a nagging irritation, unwilling to 'Be a winner at the game of life', which as MB so helpfully portrayed in their game, consisted of getting kids, a mortgage, a house and then dying after toiling for tedious year after tedious year.... but I was safely outside of this...
Then, suddenly, I wasn't.... I was in a relationship. I was one of the annointed ones. I was being advertised at... and I mean properly, not just by putting tits next to a soft drink and expecting me to make up some tenuous connection for myself. I started to fall into that role. I couldn't help it. Society made it inevitable.
Now I'm back on the other side.... and jeez, it really is a shock just how far society is willing to go solely to remind us that if we aren't paired up and planning on squirting our DNA into the gene pool, well, we might as well be a serial killing sex offender... who probably stuffs 'bath salts' up their bum... and... well whatever else that scares the family minded...
The strength of this intrinsic cultural loathing was laid bare to me while reading a fun little bloggers bun fight. This silly bout of 'bald men fighting over a comb' featured a wonderfully illustrative little spite-nugget. In a list of all the reasons Blogger B was a 'Weirdo' (#2), Blogger A stated, as their coup de grâce:
'Blogger B, who has never married...'
And that was enough. On that single statement hung innuendos ranging from 'being a bit of a loser' to suspect sexual preference... all the way up to paedophilia or being a nut case, dirty-mac, blade-licking kiddie-murderer
It is of course possible that Blogger B might well have eschewed marriage because he's constantly fucking multiple attractive people in marathon sessions of the kind of athletic sex that could put an eye out if performed without adequate training and simply hasn't had their mouth unoccupied for long enough to ask anyone... Maybe. But just by implying 'Single' his foe insinuates 'Loser'.
And common usage is on his side here.
Name me one film which features a strong, happily single character, but which at no point concerns itself with trying to staple them to another human being?
Go on... I'll wait.
Ok. There is *Insert name of sidekick to sassy female lead who drinks, smokes and has a 'good time' in rom com where the heroine frets about finding love with some bellend*
Congratulations if you named any one of the 400 films/characters that might fit the above statement. Now watch that film again and when the inevitable scene appears where the 'spunky sidekick chick' realises that she is living a 'hollow existence' and tells the unappealing lead that she 'envies her relationship', please feel free to hit yourself in the teeth. Perhaps with the corner of a table or something.
Ok. 'Guy movies'. Surely they aren't subject to this sort of production-line, faux-romanticism?
Obviously. This is polemnic, I don't mention contrary viewpoints, save where I can subtly undermine them with language.
Name a male lead who is happy to be single? OK. Now name one who isn't an irresponsible bed hopper that eventually 'realises' that she's 'the one he wanted all along'?
Ok. You've thought of one name... he was enjoying the single life and he never settled down... and he didn't have an introspective 'hollow life' moment.
...but wait a minute. That guy wasn't the lead was he? In fact I'm pretty sure the chracter you're thinking of was being portrayed throughout the whole movie as a total douche? ... and what was the evidence that we were given for his Stoma-douche status? Oh yeah it was his cavalier attitude to women and relationships and etc etc... (#3)
Even Testosterone crazed action movies usually feature at least one 'relationship scene' if only to show that the muscular, oiled lead with his shirt off isn't one of those 'gayists'. Oh and then her (near inevitable) death can be used as a plot point.
Rambo 3 features a particularly classic example. Being captured and tortured is obviously not quite 'personal' enough for the human bazooka, so he has to meet a 'simple peasant girl', fall in love with her and watch her die... all in under 5 minutes. Only then he can get get REALLY angry...
Of course the music world is so chock full of examples of this kind of 'single' loathing that it barely needs a mention. But here goes...
Most songs are about getting together in some way. Either for soaring emotional encounters that tilt the earth on it's axis, or for sleazy bump 'n' grinds that also tilt the earth... well less 'tilt' than rock back and forth.
But what about all the split up songs... where does the career of Adele fit in with all this? She's always banging on about being chucked?
Well exactly. 'Storytime Adele' is on a journey. It's pretty much the same one everytime, but then again, no blame there... this is such a popular narrative construction that it is endlessly applied. Seriously, see how many songs fit the dollowing structure.
She was in a relationship. Things are Good.
She Isn't in a relationship. Things are bad.
She is 'Getting strong' again. Things will be good again.
Yeah yeah... there's a lot if 'I don't need you to live my life and I'm stronger and blah blah blee blah'. The implication remains though, the relationship was the normality. Disequilibrium comes with the break up... and what is she getting strong for? Well, most likely it's to 'learn to love again'
Ok not all songs, movies, novels fit this exactly. But the vast majority of them do. When exceptions do occur, they usually entirely outside the 'conventional' narrative structure, used for artistic and subtle reasons.
So in order to see the worst offenders we have to go where art and subtlety are only used as weapons of conquest. Yes, as always the most blatant effects are in the world of advertising.
Don't get me wrong. Advertising hates couples too. They hate them plenty and bombard them constantly with reasons to split up... but that is a blog for another day. However, no matter how much Advertising despises couples, that is the mild distaste of a vicar in an old novel compared to the loathing it espouses for those worthless singles.
In adverts Single men are either useless losers, pining for the girl... or unrealistic cartoons clicking their fingers and the girl comes over. The girl is usually enticed by a teenagers jizz-scent concealer (Like Lynx) or their choice of pallid, taste free, Coffee-alike beverages (All Coffee manufacturers ever)
Women are given a tiny bit more depth, but the types are the same. Single but pining until fulfilled by a man, possibly attracted by the smell of your shampoo and not the fact that you are model-level attractive (but unrealistically shy and bumbling) or Single and enjoying life, and only content to be fulfilled by 'a man' if the guy is good enough... in this case 'good enough' is denoted by having no shirt and prominent abs. Of course in adverts, that guy always turns up to grab up our sassy heroine.
Strangely the only advert that offers even a semblance of balance is one that has a direct, financial interest in converting singles to couples. It is a dating agency. It states that being single is amazing, but being in a couple can be more amazing... and that's as close as you'll ever get from the advertising world. A world that has only a few a seconds to grab you and can only deal in broad strokes.
However, it is for this reason that advertising is probably more indicitive of societies attitude to the uncoupled than even movies or music.
Society hates singles, because as yet we are not playing their game. It has to get us in line. Making Babies, being good, contributing. How does it do that? Well by exalting 'The Couple' until it is the only natural ambition for anyone not in one, oh and making the idea of being excluded so utterly unappealing as to be unthinkable. This it can only do by constant, relentless and exaggerated attack.
And now I am on that side.
The contrarian in me believes that I should stay here. Revelling in my solo state, flicking the Vs at society and couples alike. Maybe try and be like a single character in a movie, living a life of carefree abandon, but without the manufactured 'realisation' moment...
Yeah yeah... That's what I'd like to think...
Chances are though, as soon as there is a willing hand to grab I will take it in mine and we'll both run back across 'No Mans Land'
Back to society's 'Winning Team'
...and now that I've made it sound so utterly appealing... any takers?
#1 Yeah. To clarify: The 'societal pressure' bit is emphatically NOT the reason she is 'not-single' any more. I may be an omni-douche, but even I don't have quite enough douchery to attempt to piss on her new relationship. Besides which it would come off as the bitterness of a lonely, singleton... a.k.a 'Loser'... and he's alright to be honest.
#2 Both are weirdos... out and out fucking weirdos... obviously, but not due to marital status, but because they are bloggers
3# Porn is the obvious exception to this rule. But luckily, with the internet now parcelling that out in clips, tailored to your own personal seedy proclivities, hopefully that weird anachronism that is 'Porn Storylines' will go the way of the freakshow, an antiquated curio that seemed to be all the rage with those oddballs in the past.
How many jobs can you think of where a Penis is a necessity to complete your task?
Sperm Donor perhaps?... although to be honest the testes are doing most of the actual 'heavy lifting' there...
Top Class Gigolo? Again... that equipment is handy, but not essential... just ask Young Miss Anne Summers, a young lady who owns a shop devoted to the noble idea 'Better Living through Technology'
Snow Signer? Yep... apparently you can 'Write your name in the snow' But since I haven't heard of this ANYWHERE save the punchlines of American Sitcoms I'm not sure it 'exists enough' to actually count... and either way the effect is easily recreated, substituting the penis for having instead: a funnel, a cavalier attitude to personal dignity and a lot time on your hands.
So... not many jobs that actually have external genitalia as a 'fundamental requirement'... in fact I would classify it as a 'scarcity'... or maybe a 'Don't be such an utterly absurd divoid McDumble-twat'
Now... You can debate endlessly about whether gender roles have a part to play in the employment world... and by that I specifically mean 'You'... because I know better than getting into a debate with partisans. They are dull people.
Obviously, by now, you all agree with my argument about cocks and their necessity 'In the work place'. How could you not... it was argued so well?
Anyway... A particular set of 'Cocks in the workplace' have decided that they only want 'Cocks in the workplace'... And that Work Place is... The Church of England...
To be fair Women are allowed to be priests. So that's all fine and dandy and good and 'equal'... as long as you aren't a priest with ambition to get 'ahead in the business'
Nope... at 'Footsoldier' level they love 'the skirts'... it's just that above that level they still love 'the skirts'... instead just using them to wrap 'the cocks'...
(please note: The use of the word 'cock' to denote the male gender IS going to continue... if the idea of male clergy and church leaders being referred to in this way bothers you... I'm delighted you have read this far... it's use is no reflection on whether or not they ARE a cock, just that certainly possess one)
Yeah, that progressive bastion of peace and love to all men, The Church of England have voted to deny women the chance of becoming a bishop.
Yes ladies... you can be a physicist seeking out and explaining the beautiful processes that make our wonderful universe actually work... but you can't be the boss of a bunch of people who have decided amongst themselves that it was done by 'Magic' and it's their job to tell absolutely everyone about it...
Some of you may see an undercurrent of religious cynicism in that previous paragraph, perhaps hiding between hilarious analogies and masterful use of language.
I am an atheist. I can't deny it.
So why take an interest?
Why not just steal and reword the Bill Hicks joke: "Cool... now there are Priests of both sexes I don't listen to"
I could ramp up the Britishness perhaps: 'Crumbs... from here on in the clergy will contain two genders whose proclamations have no bearing on me, by crikey'
Nope. It's better the original way. 'Brevity is Wit'.... apparently.
So why do I care... and why would I tempt the ire of the tiresome type who thinks that hearing a couple of (admittedly outstanding) recordings makes them an expert on Bill Hicks, comedy and the entire universe by disagreeing?
Well. We're not in America. The 'Church of England' bit should have been a give away.... and although it seems to be a British tradition to pretend that we're intellectually/culturally superior to our Baseball inventing cousins*, this is utterly unravelled by the fact that they have a constitutional seperation of Church and State... and we don't...
So think on next time you make a 'Guns and Bible' type joke...
(*Don't think we patronise the Americans? You weren't on Twitter when Obama won and the site was a sick-making stream of people saying 'Well Done' from behind their computer in a country where David Cameron is Leader... yeah... they may be leading the world in many technologies and gave us Jazz and Blues and the concept of Pornography with Attractive people, but we still give them a pat on the head and a biscuit when they 'Get Democracy right')
So yes. 'Our' national church is not seperated from our state. In fact they are utterly bound together, not just in pressure groups or tax breaks. No. There are actual seats in The House of Lords, our second chamber of parliament, that are reserved only for Bishops.
Honestly. Sounds silly? Well... the whole thing is. We can't vote these people out. They influence our lawmaking. They debate complicated financial, ethical and scientific issues that effect all of our lives, regardless of whether we believe as they do.
Yeah.... so, The Church of England has an actual, honest-to-goodness say in the running of the actual country... not just on religious matters... on everything. And 'Everything' effects everyone... kind if goes without saying doesn't it...
And for some reason they seem to think that you simply can't do that without a penis and testicles hanging between your legs...
Thanks to them there remains, in 2012, areas of our political hierarchy that are utterly inaccessible to women... oh and anyone with a rational thought process as well of course... but that is a debate for a different day... and probably another person.
(Note: Sorry I have neglected this blog for a while. Been writing a new novel, doing a whole load of 'Real Life stuff' and beginning a new album for 2013, 'The World is Coming to get you'...
So look out for all that... )
This morning the world has awoke to some epoch shattering news.
The Earth shook... Paradigms shifted so much that they twisted together like spaghetti...
All the omens came together at once... Today on the walk to work, I saw a Statue weeping blood, a pigeon sang a Rhianna song, water mysteriously fell from the sky in small droplets... you know... basically we're about a microsecond from armageddon...
The news is.
Kate Middleton has breasts.
Yes... that Royal... she has breasts.
Now calm down everyone... I know... I know.... shocking
So how has this news been 'leaked'... surely the 'establishment' would have suppressed such things... but apparently there was one... just one, courageous photographer... a pap... a gutter-dwelling gusset-snapper... who had the sheer courage to take pictures of these 'breasts', fight off the army of beefeater-ninjas who were guarding her and then escape the area like Jason Fucking Bourne running from an assassination, delivering them to the French magazine 'Closer' who have published them today...
Yep... another nekkid Royal has been caught on camera. This time though I doubt there will be all the worry about 'maturity', 'behaviour' or 'suitability'... this one is more straight forward, long lensing, twattery... the kind that would get the snapper locked up as a massive perve if the subject was one of us plebs... It's just a pity her brother in law wasn't there to throw himself, naked, atop her to shield her modesty... like he was doing with that other nekkid girl... apparently.
I haven't seen these pics... yet. But I guess her boobs are very much like 'boobs'... They don't encrust them with jewels when they become royals do they? Or emblazon them with a family crest, a tattoo of Prince Phillip's face?... They won't be lizard-y... I'm confident of that... Harry's zipper-free man-ass dispelled that myth forever...
They will be boobs. Breasts.
So... what is the public interest?
Obviously the salivating print press pack will be spending most of this morning scrambling to find some kind of justification for publishing them in the U.K, thus making money off what the internet would provide for free
Well, they can't use 'security'... which is their first 'go to' for Royal snaps, and is, at best a pretty tenuous peg on which to hang your press intrusion and even more so since they tried to crowbar it into Harrybumgate*.
(*Yeah... I know appending any news store with the word 'gate' instantly makes you a lazy bellend, but... but come on... Who doesn't want to type 'Bumgate'?)
Yeah... they were snapped on a 'Private' beach... and if the snapper had been a sniper with a missile launcher then blah blah blee blah... yep...
(A few people have pointed out that expecting a beach to be private enough that one of the most famous women in the world can reveal their breasts shows a sense of privilege and entitlement that would even dwarf Kelvin Mackenzie's hypocrisy and Wankstainery)
So... no... it ain't security... you could tell us that security is lax without nipple or ass shots... and the pictures probably compromise security even further...
So... what else?
Well, they can't really do a 'shouldn't they know better' or 'she should have more decorum' bit...
Yeah... maybe it's a little bit daft that she got caught out this way so soon after her brother in law, but daft is all it is... it's not like it was a live fuck show or anything... she wanted to sun herself... it isn't a drunken pool party with socialites. It's peeping Tom stuff... I imagine the snapper to be a real Mouth Breather... and he probably rummaged his pants before, during and after...
So... it ain't 'public interest'... no matter how much you try and dress it up... just isn't folks...
Nope, it's the 'interest of the public'... and the public are interested in tit... simple... we know that... pictures of the chestal areas if ladies are pretty much the scaffold that holds the entire internet together and yes... there are also other, utterly HUGE industries solely devoted to providing such images...
and so... with plenty... (and I cannot emphasise this enough, so I will use capitals) PLENTY of pictures of mammalian glandage available... usually from people who have been paid, or volunteered... why the hell does anybody actually need to steal tits from anyone? Even Royals...
So... it turns out that, Believe it or not...Kate Middleton's breasts are actually less interesting than Harry's ass... ok... that sounds wrong... I mean the story of the pictures of Kate's breasts is less interesting than the Story of Harry's ass pics...
As so... since I haven't seen these Kate pics...I guess I have to now... it's public interest... it's research... it's... it's... it's...
*Mouth breathe*
*Sink into the deepest pit of human despair*
The bunting is up... I had my face painted in patriotic colours... and although I couldn't attend any of the many 'Reshuffle street Parties' that were taking place up and down the country, I am taking the day off on Friday to go into the city, perve on shops, and probably drink some cocktails somewhere along the line... maybe head to a parrot zoo... (no... really)
... and all for D-Cam... I do this in his honour...
Now, some people reading this might be wondering why the whole country are celebrating yesterday's 'Reshuffle' with an enthusiasm that makes the Olympic/Jubilee/Prince Harry's Balls parties look like a dull afternoon at that-oh-so-hip panini shop I don't go to because the owner turned into an utter hipster douche...
I know that's a fairly obscure reference, but I know at least one person should get it... and it may be the only thing they understand in this whole post... because they are a 'normal person' and thus recognise that the business of Goverment is to manage them, not to include them... not that they'll read it... and so will never see this direct message to them...
(Yeah it IS YOU... honestly... YOU... prove me wrong... send an unlikely text... saying something like... I don't know... 'You are well sexy' and I'll know you've read this...)
Sit... wait... check phone... weep...
So who here doesn't know what a reshuffle is?
Well... obviously it's supposed to be when Cabinet positions are exchaned/issued to the most suitable candidates to maximise the efficiency of Government... like substitutions in 'that football'... or it would be if you could change everyone at once and play people in any position you like regardless of what they're actually good at...
So what is a reshuffle in the 'real world'?
1) A chance to scapegoat some bellend...
A 'Scape goat' used to be literally that... a goat that was piled high with a heavy load symbolising the 'sins of the village'... this goat would be driven to wander the dessert... and it would die horribly, in great goaty agony... possibly cursing it's cruel owners with the last thoughts in it's goaty brain...
The sins will still have been done though... and those guilty will actually have suffered naught... unless of course they have a particular emotional attachment to that goat... but still... it's the goat getting the bum deal here...
So... if you were say... a health secretary during a period of particularly unpopular NHS changes, and it was your job to implement and cheerlead reforms... reforms that, let's be honest, were issued to you by your 'masters'... you might think they would cut you some slack... but no... you will be mired in the last vestiges of controversy and sent out... possibly to a role that sounds a bit of 'placeholder' position, Like Minister for Sunny Days, or Minister for the Department of Procrastination whilst the younger bellend who dodged three sackings in 'Culture' gets to swan around your office and say he's fixing your mistakes...
So we lose 'Hate Magnet' Lansley... But don't worry... Jeremy Hunt, the new health secretary believes in the nonsense, woo-woo, witchcraft, BOLLOCKS called homeopathy... which is just a placebo... But, although it doesn't really do anything, it is cheap... so that should cut the budget... and since most people who need real medical care would die, waiting times would go down...
Hurrah for reshuffles
2) It's a vicious bunfight, the like of which the world never sees...
Who amongst you has seen two tramps in a skip, stopping mid-coitus to fight, 'red in tooth and claw' over possession of a can of special brew?
The skip is the media, the Tin of Brew is a juicy cabinet post and you dress the tramps up in expensive, cheap suits and turn the feral-o-meter up to eleven and you have the reshuffle experience...
Uniquely amongst careers, for a cabinet minister their promotion happens in the public eye, and is dependent on public approval... perhaps that is why when the possibility of my honest-to-goodness Twitter Follower* Grant Shapps was rumored to usurp comedy 'commoner' Baroness Warsi as Chair of the party he suddenly had a load of negative reports about his internet dealings dropped onto the internet...
* No, you cynics... Grant Shapps MP, despite the 'fake following allegations' is actually a big fan of my music and is the only person who can name tracklistings of all 4 of my scarcely available cds... he may not be following you with genuine intent... but he thinks I'm fecking ace...
Did someone manage a leak? Possibly... I hope so... I love the Thick of It and secretly hope that all politics is conducted exactly like that... Suspects are endless... people who support her, people who oppose the Tories and see that as long as she's in place they are fundamentally less electable and people who are just fans of nonsensical statements and would miss her outpourings on Newsnight...
Whatever... she went anyway.. to be given a special 'Senior' title that they made up just for her... which is a bit like being told that she's 'Mummy's Special Chairman'
... and my biggest fan, Grant Shapps , is now Chairman. Lucky me... I now have the ear of government...
Hurrah for reshuffles!
3) Unblocking the Idea U-Bend...
Imagine you had a plan... it was your plan and you loved it. But for some reason you told everyone you didn't want to do it... were not going to do it and would never do it... but of course you were still doing it...
Then, as you're sneaking your idea through, one person stood up and still insisted that you aren't... worse still... the person is the responsible cabinet minister... and even worse they look like they might actually do something to stop it... Well...you just 'reshuffle' them out of the way and put in someone who knows when to stand up for principle, and when they should just be faking it...
Yeah, that preceding paragraph looks like gibberish... it is... but it actually happened to the 'now ex' Transport secretary, who has just been shuffled off for stating her opposition to a new Heathrow runway... Which is the official policy of the government. This runway won't happen... but of course, it IS happening... she started to be 'perceived' as an obstacle... and now she's gone to a nothing job... What a coinkidink!
Oh and as a sidenote, this has given Blog Favourite BoJo a chance to score another point at D-Cam's expense... he doesn't want the runway, and he can say so... remember kids, if you're a democratically elected mayor you have no need to fear the Reshuffle Monster... otherwise... well... Boris Johnston would surely feature more in this post...
Hurrah for Reshuffles!
4) Things are changing... honestly...
This is the most crucial aspect as far as the public are concerned. The appearance that 'some' change is occurring.
Of course it isn't... Cameron is still there... he still has Osborne and Gove and the other 'architects' of policy... With Lansley and the NHS... they are just bringing in the PR guy to be the bullet-sponge after Lansley utterly failed to get anyone at all on side...
What are the benefits of the changes: A new Chairman? Transport Minister booted for being the wrong kind of Loyal... Ken Clarke, (in effect) put out to pasture? A new 'Equality' minister who is against Gay marriage?
It's like the bit of the Magic trick where you are shown a 'Fake shuffle'... but that's all it is... a show... the important cards are still safely tucked up the sleeve, ready to be deployed exactly as was intended from the start...
But at least we all get to pretend that something has happened... That's the main thing eh?
So... you're in charge of a mission to Mars... the furthest place our youthful species has intentionally left it's first, tentative mark... (I say intentionally because we've flung plenty of Astro-rubbish and board-stiff cosmo-dogs out there whilst taking these baby steps... do you think anyone spent millions retrieving the corpses of all those monkey-pilots we sent up?)
A robot called 'curiosity' will trundle around, taking pictures, zapping stuff with a laser, tweeting cute updates and generally being a hipster version of R2D2 without the potential for that Hilarious 'whistling noise which might be mistaken for censored swearing' gag...
At some point it is decided that this cute little big-trak will send back some music... the first Mars to Earth musical broadcast ever... in fact the first interplanetary dj set ever... Nothing like this has happened in the history of the universe... It's a big deal...
So, the pressure is on... It has to be right. Lucky you have the entire back catalogue of musical achievement to pick from, from the greatest symphonies, to the most heart-breaking ballads, to the most intricate IDM , to the most experimental jazz, to the most inclusive pop...
Given that, would you choose Will-I-Am?
Would I fuck!
Now... anyone reading this might think that a whole blog is a hell of a length to go to just to regurgitate an old Will-I-Am gag that I've done on Twitter before... probably not just me either... it's a sitter... I mean... it's the first think I thought of when I saw him... Literally... Will-I-Am, Would I Fuck... then I laughed myself into a coma... and by 'laughed' I mean 'Wept' and by 'Coma' I mean into 'my third bag of Haribo that night'
I remember the second thing I thought was: He would be a fine representative for a small English village if they ever happen to have an Olympic torch relay...
Anyway... the first ever broadcast from Mars Fm will be that guy... Not Bowie, the British Bard of space travel, not a piece by Mozart or Hendrix or Bach.... not 'Pump up the Volume' or Radiohead or Stevie Wonder... or even George Clinton and Afrika Bambaataa who are probably the most appropriate, being almost certainly aliens themselves...
Nope... we get William... Bill... Boring Bill... one of the ones from 'that band where they do a sample, then sing over a beat, repeat until fade or mass suicide'... But Why?
At first I thought we must have intercepted a broadcast from another civilisation... having painstakingly decoded it we have decided it is threatening in nature and this is our riposte... an auditory declaration of war on these far off adversaries...
Well, maybe warning shot... we'd save the big gun, Cheryl Cole, for when things got really dodgy, whereupon she will be shot at the alien race in order to deliver Geordie, 'Non-racist'* fisticuffs and horrifically off key vocals until they surrender or voluntarily explode...
(*No no no you cynics... Cheryl Tweedy didn't hit the black cleaning lady because she was black, it was because she was a cleaning lady.. so... not racist... legally... just a horrible, horrible person)
Unfortunately, despite being bad, Willie Yam isn't even good enough at being bad to be bad enough to broadcast for this reason... he's too... too boring. Any Alien hearing him might well imagine it was the audio equivalent of wallpaper paste... it's there for a job, but there's no way you'd notice it on it's own...
So, why use a poster child for tedious mediocrity... a 'rapper' that would make the Wham Rap look edgy...
Well... I think we did intercept a signal from Aliens, it is threatening and so, instead of sending out anything that might provoke an invasion we've opted for something so dull that nobody in their other-worldly minds would ever think of coming here...
"Fuck... what's that sound... where's it coming from?"
"The red one... it's sending it to the Blue/Green one"
"fuck... are those planets at war or something"
"Doesn't look like it"
"They should be... just... just turn it off... even though I can't understand the language you can tell he just keeps saying the same things over and over with the same noises happening"
"Must be what they're into in that Galaxy"
"Well...fuck going there... if they like music that takes longer to listen to than to make... they can piss right off... oh and tell all the other advanced races, until this lot can tell the difference between 'music' and 'a job lot of expensive samples unimaginatively assembled behind 7 or 8 words' there's no point in making contact"
"we could.. you know... just blast the galaxy into atoms?"
"They are suffering enough already"
So... in conclusion three points.
1) Will-I-Am is the greatest hero the earth has ever seen and all are indebted to him for every breath they draw
2) Space Travel is fucking awesome, but shouldn't pander to silly trends... it's a fucking Robot... and it's broadcasting from the surface of FUCKING MARS... if someone thinks it needs Will-I-Am to get 'the kids' interested then both they and those kids can fuck off... (although I suspect this isn't even the case judging by the Global reaction, from all ages, to the death of Neil Armstrong)
3) I can't wait for the politicians to come back from wanking about on their holidays so I can actually write about something interesting... well not interesting... nothing is more interestinger than space travel... but something where I don't need a science doctorate to write something coherent and instead resort to a demented wibble about shit pop stars to find an 'angle'
Come back Clegg... all is forgiven...
I am never at my best when tired.
It makes me snarling and irritable...
It makes me want to go into a field of sacred cows armed with frag grenades, a chainsaw, bleary eyes and a wonky grin
There is a fair chance that some people might be offended by what I do to to this particular Bovine... but A) I'm too tired to give a 'Flying one at a Rolling One' and B) This guy is an utter Douche... I mean really... Pick your heroes with a bit more care and you won't have to read stuff like this..
You may notice a lack of swearing thus far... that is a conscious decision... if I were to allow myself that little luxury then this post would have just been a copy/paste of an online profanity dictionary, with a name at the end... and that name: Julian Assange
Who is wizened enough to remember the first time any allegations were brought against Michael Jackson? I do... I was a child... I loved Jacko... I thought it was outrageous that my idol should have to answer to anything... on the other side they hated Jacko, and they also didn't think he needed to 'answer' for anything... just be strung up as a sex offender.
Now, with the benefit of Hindsite I imagine there must have been cooler heads, smart people who said: "Well these are serious allegations and they need a thorough and transparent hearing"
Yeah... those people would have existed, but I wouldn't have heard them... or heard them as 'enemies', because my stupid, cola-bottle addled, child's brain could only process information in Black and White.
3 Points about that.
A) Does that kind of thinking sound familiar to you?
2) I still don't think Jackson's behaviour had a sexual dimension, but getting into bed with other people's kids is weird, creepy and someone should have delivered a healthy slap early on and told him: "Not Ok!"
D) Aren't you glad I didn't go for the Black/White gag? Someone, somewhere would have enjoyed it... but I wouldn't... I'd feel like a twattish mid-90's Comedian... and if you think you might have preferred to read that kind of joke, please leave... now... not a joke... roll up your laptop or smartphone as best you can and insert it into your colon in whichever manner you find most comfortable and do one...
Ok... with all of that in mind I shall begin... and remember... On this one I'm actually one of the 'cool heads'... even if my delivery is akin to a rabid tramp swearing at a goose in recycling bin...
Ok... I will now put in a point by point polemnic about why Saint Jules of Assange is just being a douche these days.
1) What's the opposite of a Martyr?
Politically, I am on the side of Wikileaks. I believe they do important works and may have donated to them in the past... I say 'may' in case any recruitment agencies are reading this and are put off by the idea of me donating money to a whistleblowing database, in which case that is something I didn't do...
Unfortunately the Wikileaks team now seem to be mainly a sounding board for Assange. Fair enough if his allegations are related to free speech issues... like say... Bradley Manning... but they aren't... they are to do with gross misuse of what that great 'Poet of the Penis', Russell Brand might call a 'Dinkle'...
Whether the allegations are criminal or not I'll return to later. Whether they are worth mobilising the entire force of a large organisation like Wikileaks for I can answer now... No... don't be stupid... Every association with this tawdry little escapade makes the once mighty Wikileaks look less a people's channel for disseminating important information and more a happy-clappy cult of Guru worship.
He is using the whole Wikileaks organisation as a shield and it infuriates me... If it's non hierarchical, you should treat all individuals based on merit... in which case Manning should be the centrefold, and Assange airbrushed out. If, however, Assange is the actual 'leader' he should act like one and answer the legal questions so as not to damage the organisation, not act like every attack on him is an attack on Wikileaks, free speech, Puppies, Kittens, Sugar, Spice and 'All things nice'
2) Being a douche isn't a crime?
This is without a doubt my favourite nonsense misreading of these allegations. The upshot goes: 'Sure... he said he'd wear a condom... but the cheeky scamp took it off... whatyagonnado?'
So people see it as a douche-move... not a crime...
Ok... first off... the initiation of sex is NOT when that Condom is most needed... The... ahem... 'climax' is where it does it's best work... where it earns it's kudos... taking it off halfway through means you really needn't have bothered in the first place... Unless there was something else going on...
Ok... so in Law, consent to sex is kind of a legal contract... it is binding and can be withdrawn or amended... importantly it can have 'conditions'... if the condition of consent includes wearing a condom, then that's what you do... all the way through...
Put it in this, equally romantic and erotic, perspective... if she was selling him a car on the condition that he stuck to an agreed payment plan, but he stopped paying and kept the car... that is theft isn't it? Likewise... if the allegations are true, it is rape.
Now, perhaps these charges are 'trumped up'... but I don't know because the victims can't have their day in court... remember, if it's true then actual rape victims are getting silenced because the perpetrator is figurehead for a free speech website... if not well, he can clear himself and really stick it to the Governments of the world... wonder why he's not doing that?
Oh... and I'm not even going to get into the utter bellendry of doing that to a woman who specifically asked him to 'wrap up'... They stretch you know Jules... and no matter how large your mighty mutant Martyr's member is It would not burst because of such confinement...
If you don't respect your partner enough to follow the conditions... you don't deserve the 'play'... no matter how much of a rock star freedom fighter you think you are...
3) This isn't a spy film douche...
Now, I know Wikileaks is a massive irritant to many Governments, and it has also provided those same Governments with information on other Governments who in turn got angry with Wikileaks... I'm sure there are many in the intelligence services who would love to see him go away forever...
But that doesn't mean that this is entirely a political escapade... the best evidence for which is Assange's recent behaviour. He seems to want to portray himself as the Anti James Bond... a government wrecking cross between Jason Bourne and Ernesto Guevara... but that isn't how he's acting... frankly he's acting like a teenage film douche...
Ok... track record... and for this exercise let's assume he's completely innocent.
He is accused of an offence in Sweden... scarcely a tin-pot dictatorship rife with kidnappings and the kind of debt that leads to overly dodgy deals... No, they're seen as fairly calm sorts, who are of course signed up to the same declarations as us, which prevent extradition where real harm is probable... those pesky human rights acts that the Daily Mail bleat about...
So, does he answer these high-profile allegations in the full glare, and by that toke, protection of the worlds Media? No... he legs it. Ending up in Britain... perhap's he's a secret Daily Mail reader and believes all their 'Soft Justice' rhetoric... What he isn't is a tactician... Britain has a much more favourable extradition process with the US than Sweden... Damn!
So he's now in a far worse position if ending up in The US is his real fear... but not if his real fear is ending up in Sweden and facing these charges... anyway... he appeals to the highest UK courts... all of which decide there is a case to answer... In Sweden... to which he shrieks: 'But I don't want to go to the U.S' and legs it to an Embassy... and then it gets really weird... I mean proper demented...
He runs to Ecuador for help. Ecuador who don't really have much sympathy for human rights causes. Ecuador, who admittedly don't have a strong extradition process with America, but also don't have any human rights protection in place if they did decide to bow to pressure.
I don't think it's unreasonable to say that Ecuador are, at best, accepting him as a political pawn, either to show defiance of the US, or... well maybe something more nefarious.... Put it this way, if it was me, I'd be worried that Ecuador might arrange an under the counter deal with the U.S... Their pockets are deep and anyone can use a little extra money... of course, that would only worry me if the U.S were my real concern... not Sweden...
Of course, if you're (hypothetically, of course) trying to stir up as much publicity as possible and avoid Sweden, those actions make perfect sense... if not they look like the plot to a rubbish spy movie...
4) Thinking you're the centre of the Universe is 'Anti-Copernican'*
(*A joke adapted from Prof Brian Cox being witty)
But didn't he offer to be questioned in Sweden if they assured he couldn't be extradited to the U.S... and also offered to be questioned by Swedes, under juristiction, in London?
Yes... and doesn't that appear reasonable?
Sort of, if you think you're the centre of the universe and that intricate international law is just a set of guidelines that can be abandoned for the convenience of one man. Sweden is legally bound by it's extradition process with the U.S... they cannot assure him of anything, because it may turn out he's done something. Under those circumstances they would be in breach of international law if they kept to that assurance.
Likewise the U.K is legally bound by it's commitment to Sweden... they simply cannot let him leave U.K soil. Also, allowing the questioning to take place here is in violation of both UK and Swedish Law... and while all this is going on, the UK remains bound by diplomatic agreement with Ecuador. It cannot use the loopholes available to get at him, no matter how much simpler that would be, because it would set a precedent... Law is complicated. You can't just mess them about all over the place, ignoring any consequencr, just because you are the almighty 'You'
Yeah... I'm expecting abuse for this one, mainly from people who think that defending Assange and defending Free Speech are the same thing. But this is just my own, personal, sleep deprived opinion... That said... That he's a douche and he's using a noble organisation to shield himself from the consequence of his own douchey, egotistical actions...
Who can remember Sabu... the hacker who was compromised by intelligence services and ordered to undermine Anonymous? Well they want to ask for their money back... he's an amateur compared to Assange... and it's outrageous. Now more than ever the world needs Wikileaks to be Wikileaks... Not a message board for a publicity-obsessed narcissist.
(P.S. There is really no need to call me a douche... I already know this... and am I in the Pay of the Lizard People? No... but I am welcome to most offers...)
Welcome to the first in an irregular series in which I, your splenetic and bilesome narrator, attempt to hook, land and gut the most nauseating memes that float past my beady eye...
First up... Those 'wasn't the time of MY childhood great' messages that Facebook vomits periodically into my timeline once or twice a week...
They are usually put there by people who haven't bothered reading them to the end... I don't blame them... Aside from a sentimentality that is so cloying that even a scouse Peter Kay fan might regard them as a 'bit too Mawkish', they then throw in a weird 'Daily Mail' style 'Cor Blimey that safety thing is a bit Silly isn't it?' attitude to further lose any touch with reality..
If you're on a social network, you will have seen a variation of this meme. They usually turn up with half a million 'likes' and a closing line that says something like:
'Share if you drank from the garden Hose and survived'
'Hit like if you went hungry for refusing your Mom's food'
'Hit like and share if you think that progress and increased wellbeing is shit and you would actually rather time go backwards to a fantasy, 'Lord of the Rings' when you could juggle chainsaws on a bike without a helmet down an unlit road with no phone or medicine without the PC brigade jumping on your back'*
(*well... that's the Subtext anyway)
That in mind I wrote this and sent it into the world...
"My Curfew was when it got dark, even though I had no idea what the word 'Curfew' meant and the fact that 'When it gets Dark' changes year round, meaning it was often grossly unfair and arbitrary.
When it was time to come in I had to go immediately and if it was late I would worry my Mum, because there was no easily obtainable, portable, communication device that could have allayed her fears... and when we were chased by what used to be called a 'stranger' (statistically, a more common occurrence then than today) there was no way to get help other than screaming for it through a haze of tears and snot.
Infant mortality, abductions and violent crime were higher, but there was no liquid soap.. so that was better... right?
Oh and although you could get your mouth washed out with soap for being 'cheeky', you probably wouldn't for being Racist, Sexist or Homophobic, because that was the staple of 'Entertainment' shows and was thus Okey-Dokey-Fine.
Yes, I rode a bike without a helmet, and the two times I crashed it it was dumb, blind luck that saved me from death and not well-made safety equipment.
Getting Dirty was ok, but due to the less advanced washing machines/detergents of the time, getting your clothes dirty was not... oh and incidents of filicide through 'Zealous Discipline' were also far far more common...
Click Like if You too have a deluded and vaguely sinister attachment to a period in history, insisting it is somehow 'better' just because it was when you were young!"
I'm guessing my half a million likes and shares are stuck in an internet pipe somewhere. I can wait...
Do I have a point or am I just being a sarky clever clogs?
Well...a little from column A, little from Column B...
I am a sarky clever clogs, but my point is... Things are getting better, both in this country and across the globe. Crime is going down, diseases have better survival rates, base level of poverty is nowhere near the level of even twenty years ago... that isn't to say there isn't more to be done, just that you can only do that by looking forward... the good things in the past are already being built on, that is what progress is....
Part of that progress is an increased awareness of the need for Safety controls for workers... Now, many will confuse this with spurious liitigation by ambulance chasing lawyers... but, like the much maligned 'Political Correctness' it is a neccesary framework to establish, even if (like any framework ever) it is sometimes used by unscrupulous dipshits for their own ends, unaware that they are ruining everything for everyone.
To summarise there was never an EU law stating you have to wear goggles to play conkers, just as nobody ever banned Christmas... but there were three maintanance men slowly roasted to death in a belt fed bread oven (over the course of an hour long cycle) after the correct procedures were not followed in order 'to save Time'...
I remember my childhood... it was bloody ace...
And the past in general... fantastic...
But, If you don't think you are living in the best of all possible times, (excepting that which comes after), you are either: not looking at the evidence or allowing a nostalgia for your own youth to utterly cloud your judgement...