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Thursday, 8 March 2012

Opinion: Not a Supporter of NHS Reforms? You MUST want to Kiss Trotsky on His Dead Mouth.

Who wants to be a Trotskyist, or a Trotskyite... Or whatever you call anyone who follows the example of Lev Davidovich Bronshtein?


What.. none of you?

Well... Chances are, if you have any critical words to say about Andrew 'Benny Hill' Lansley's NHS Reforms then you are a Trotskyismer... Or a 'Trot' as is the preferred dismissive terminology.

Ok... Well let's look at Mr Trotsky. He was a Marxist, He was a founder and Commander of the Red Army, He opposed Stalin's pact with Hitler and was subsequently assassinated by him in 1940, having been expelled from the Communist party and Exiled.

He dies 6 years before the establishment of our NHS. As far as I can see he makes no comment on it... or on anything of it's kind. No 'Trotskyism' appears to be more concerned with the act of revolution, and the establishment of a 'Working Class' led society. It is about Means of production, land ownership and all that exciting 'Commie' stuff. No mention of a provision of Universal Healthcare.

Would he have approved?

Maybe.. Maybe not... He probably wouldn't have liked our system, based as it is on a centralised power structure, with an 'Elite' sitting atop it, making the decisions. No he probably would have preferred the decision making to be deferred to more localised 'Cells'... Or not.. I mean.. The guy's been dead for more than 60 Years... He never saw a health service in action...

Why should he have had any opinion on it at all?

Ok.. Confession time. I didn't know any of this. I looked it up. I didn't know much about Trotsky before a few days ago, having been called a Troskyist/ite/ismer by someone for daring to say that Lansley looked like a fool running around a hospital, being heckled and then releasing the 4 most Staged looking pictures you'll see this side of a North Korean Dictator's Funeral.

Being that my only real understanding of 'Marxism' was from a literary criticism standpoint (Thanks Manchester Met Uni) I decided to look up what this 'Insult' meant in the context of the NHS. And what did I find?

It means nothing.. It's meaningless... A way of Screaming 'LEFTY' at any criticism and thus shutting it down:
"If you don't 100% support Lansley you are a Lefty Marxist, who probably looks and thinks like Rik from 'The Young Ones' and wants to find Trotsky's grave, disinter him at midnight and French Kiss his dead mouth and maybe feel his Bottom... No.. Probably feel his Bottom.. No Definitely"

Aside from being a 'Non-Debate' this is also less and less plausible... It's not just 'Lefties' who are starting to grumble about this... and it's not just 'Lefties' who are concerned with the way this is being bludgeoned through with very little support, and it's not just 'Lefties' who think that a bill with so many amendments is clearly unfit for purpose.

So.. a rethink is in order... and maybe actually 'listening' to people with opposing viewpoints instead of just plucking a historical figure from Marxism and applying his name to them.

If you don't do that and in fact you just want to forge ahead with your own ideas based on a series of shadowy consultations and staged/managed meetings... well.. In that case I'd say that you definitely Love Stalin... In fact you probably want to kiss him right on his dead mouth.... and probably feel his Bottom.
No.. Definitely...

(Ps.. Thanks to any of the people I've linked to... I don't really know the etiquette here.. but if you want any links removed, let me know... Oh.. and any Rabid Trotskyismerationers who know more about him, and disagree with my Wiki-Lite Research, let me know and I will correct where appropriate... Isn't Democracy lovely?)

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