Last night, the E-campaign chap for the Labour party became the 'Ex' E-Campaign chap for the Labour party with the view that he will probably be switching to the Conservative Party... although I'm sure he'll be angling to something that swings a bit more weight than 'E-Campaign' chap...
I heard about this on Twitter, which is unsurprising as it's how I get most of my news. What was surprising was that, for some time it existed ONLY on Twitter. The announcement was on Twitter, the reaction was on Twitter, and when news and Bloggers started to report it, the crux of the story was the Response on Twitter. If you weren't on Twitter last night, it Literally hadn't happened.
Now, whether you agree with his principals in question, you have to accept that he was correct to follow them to the party that he feels best represents them... That's a good thing. In fact, it's kind of what democracy is... It's best for everyone, Conservatives have a convert and Labour lose someone who doesn't really believe in the parties direction and probably wouldn't be putting their heart into the job. Maybe both parties would be better if they got rid of a few 'career coasters'.
Despite this fairly simple story, Twitter went alight. Ludicrous Pitchforks from some of the 'Left' outstanding exaggeration from some on the 'Right'. He was either Utterly non-existant, or the final pin holding Ed Miliband's leadership together, depending on who you read. It didn't help that the first 'Article' on the subject (In something called 'Kernel') looked exactly like a spoof, possibly written by Charlie Brooker...
I spent some fun hours equating the hype to the teenage tribalism that overcomes Twitter nearly every day. #TeamBieber or #LittleMonsters or whatever. Political debate turms into mere 'Name Trending' and the side that gets the most Retweets can declare themselves the arbitrary winner and go to bed happy.
I don't know what fallout this will have, maybe none, maybe lots. Suffice to say there is really no political dimension to the story at all. He was a Labour chap who frequently had to dismiss claims he really wasn't, and then decided he really, REALLY wasn't... On Twitter.
It was Twitter itself that lifted this decision onto the News Platter, subsequently turning him into one of those magnets for that glorious Twitter venting that is oh-so-satisfying...
There are rumours that all of this is a publicity ruse to assist in gaining publicity for a business he's starting up. If so, good for him... He's played the system well. He knew exactly what to say, and when to say it... (Sunday night... If he'd started it today it would have beenburied in Leveson and Yacht talk amongst others).
Really everybody wins here.
Conservatives get a convert, who looks the part (i.e. Like a guy from the Apprentice) and knows how to work the system.
Labour have lost someone who doesn't really agree with them anyway and who looked custom designed to irk the Left.
The public have had a chance to get all worked up and frothy (on both sides of the political sphere), despite there being very little to actually say on the matter. Jokes have been made, exaggerations exchanged, challeneges of 'who cares the least/most' even some (Less amusing) 'Threats' flew from side to side.
It's a catharsis, like a mini election with no outcome, allowing Twitter folks (Like me) to feel they are participating in politics without really having to do fuck all.
... And Luke Bozier? Well whatever happens he will come out of this more important and better known than he went in...
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