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Thursday, 19 September 2013

Day 19: It's international Let everyone know you're a Douchebag who works in a design Company Day (Or, Why is everyone talking Somali?)

It's international 'Talk Like a Pirate Day'... celebrated only by self employed design types, the odd celebrity on Youtube, most of Camden and Brian Blessed*

(*Brian Blessed is of course the only person in that list who isn't a Total Douchepump)

Does anyone ever observe this? I mean, really.. are you that keen to show that you have a job that is of no importance, or are unemployed... do you really need to pretend so hard that work in the entertainment industry?

Of course we have no idea how Pirates talked in real life, our conception is entirely based on Robert Newton and a handful of other performers who made it up for films. Newton's performance is a particular joy, a alcoholic mumble with a side order of bulging-eyed insanity that has done more to cement 'Yarrrrgggghh' as the call of the pirate than anything else...

Now, of course, the poster Boy for the eye-patch and parrot brigade is Johnny Depp and his impression of someone doing an impression of David Bowie doing an impression of The Fraggle from the Rolling Stones doing an impression of David Frost doing an impression of Johnny Depp playing Hunter S Thompson in Fear and Loathing.

Initially the idea of Talk Like a Pirate day was a bit of a laugh.. but the joke really is over now... it only exists so that people on Twitter can pretend they are doing it... But they aren't really..

Which is good. Do you want to go to a vet and them bray that 'This Mangy Curr be heading to meet Davey Jones' or visit a Doctor and have them snarl a 'Yarrr' at you before delivering your H.I.V results, all the while referring to the killer condition as 'Scurvy'

But it will go away again for another year, and that's the only good thing about this sort of nonsense...
Oh.. and it gives me something to write about when I'm REALLY struggling to find a subject...

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