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Saturday, 20 December 2014

First Ever Stand up... Backyard Comedy Club, Comedy School Showcase Dec 2014

Hi All.. This is my first ever time on stage, and it's doing a stand up set...
Was on 7 December 2014 and was part of a showcase with my fantastic fellow Comedy School Alumni...

I might write about my Comedy School experience soon, but a quick capsule review = Amazing experience, everyone should do it...

Am already retiring a lot of this set, so this is probably the only time you will get to see much of it... Oh and I know I move about too much, but thanks for the feedback...

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Black Friday 4 Step Prep (Or, at least rioters in the past weren't maiming for 5 pounds off a kettle)

Black Friday finished yesterday... but in many shops it continues today... somehow...

Anyway, in light of this I wanted to put together my 'Never-fail 4 step prep' for anyone venturing into town to pick up a bargain.

1 Work out the hourly rate you'd need to be paid if your job was to constantly and repeatedly punch men, women, the elderly and toddlers in the face.

2 Multiply this figure by the number of hours you think it will take to fight your way through a riot of psychopaths in a shopping centre that is nightmarish at the best of times, but has now degenerated into a hellscape worthy of a post apocalyptic movie.

Remember to figure in extra time for clambering over piles of the shattered bones and teeth of those 'less dedicated' shoppers than yourself.

3 Compare this figure to the discount you hope to receive on the product you have statistically negligible chance of finding Intact, Usable and not currently being used by a hulking lunatic as a murder weapon to crush the skulls of the children in front of them at the 'must-have toy' counter.

4 Stay at home.